WordsWork: Communicating Results
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Imagine riffing on a mini-keyboard while immobilized in a tube that¹s taking pictures of your brain. [more]

Are people who have grown up with Facebook, text messages, videogames, YouTube and Skype better multi-taskers? Check out what the neuroscience research is showing. [more]

Twitter marketing innovation book the business of blogging
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WordsWork works with you to tell your story in ways that best reach your audience.

To change tightly held assumptions in our brains, we look for confirming evidence – tell ourselves stories substantiated by facts that we choose to support, or contradict, prevailing perceptions.

Out of Time Follow a teen’s storied interactive adventures through time as she stumbles into a surreal gateway to history, mystery and danger in the novel Out of Time—coming soon! Add your voice to her story on Twitter #teentimetravel.
the conference blog
Are people talking about your conferences, meetings, and events? Should they be?

WordsWork Communicates
Washington’s Off-Beat Arts
Developing Minds in Science

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PHOTO: The Fishermen, oil painting, by Dorothy Stevens, by permission.
WordsWork: Communicating Results Facebook Twitter Linkedin Education Research Health

Learning involves curiosity, wonder, play, personal and professional growth. WordsWork clients stand at the head of the class.

In labs, medical offices and classrooms, on the playground and in focus groups, experts are posing questions that may lead society down a healthier path. WordsWork to engage the public with the evidence.

Rapid advances in health, science and medicine are changing the face of society. WordsWork to make the technical transparent.